Thursday, August 8, 2013

hollow hellos and poorly executed goodbyes

I've sunken far below the shoreline once or twice in my day
Tripped over many a raised up crack in the road
Just as I've stolen my fair share of the covers away
Left one too many with an exposed shoulder turned cold
And still some days it seems I'm back to square one
Mathematics has no life long passion for love
You either add or subject to the underlying sum
It seems no equals can exist once that first damage is done
This is that moment you can't catch your breath
Your time to speak with no bounds of the love you possess
But now it's here and the words are all caught in your chest
Final glimmer of light in the dimming of night
Lips last chance to align but you can't get it right
This is your poorly executed goodbye
I spent all night awake rehearsing just what I would say
Auditioning in the shower to water run cold
Collect my composer with a coffee and a notebook to hold
Leave no hands free to pull you near and never let go
For in that moment I am putty and your smile is two hands
I knew I would fall apart and lose all my form
Whatever I had scripted fell into your quicksand
You played my limbs like a puppet, I was yours to perform
This is that moment you can't catch your breath
Your time to speak with no bounds of the love you possess
But now it's here and the words are all caught in your chest
Final glimmer of light in the dimming of night
Lips last chance to align but you can't get it right
This is your poorly executed goodbye
In these moments love means more than saying we won't stray
But with distance these things become hard to uphold
This world is fields of mice and we are birds of prey
We take what we want with no apologies to bestow
I can't stop my abuse, without an outlet to feed
I thought it could be you, I thought it could be me
I've been taking so long and hiding behind empty words
It's only fitting to now lose what I don't truly deserve
This is that moment you can't catch your breath
Your time to speak with no bounds of the love you possess
But now it's here and the words are all caught in your chest
Final glimmer of light in the dimming of night
Lips last chance to align but you can't get it right
This is your poorly executed goodbye

Thursday, August 1, 2013

blizzard of frozen rain

I'll deal with the snow when it falls. I have a garage full of shovels and I know all of them on nick name basis. I call one spade because she can't be trusted. I call another old rusty cause she's been around so long I can barely remember her real name. There's another I call hunger and another I call pain… I don't quite remember how they got their names but they both seem fitting on cold winter days. Most others I just call Jane because it's such a common, unappealing name. I use them all, but only one uses me back. She's my favorite, although I would never tell her that. The way she pushes when I pull, drags when I go to slow. It all drives me to the edge, but I wouldn't have it any other way. So fuck this warmth and bring on the winter so I can bring back the numbness… just me, my shovels and the frozen rain.

void pantograph

I strive to be clean but can't seem to stay fresh
This dead soap just barely covers the tell tale stench
Of what I no longer want to be
I was once told these chemicals can only harm
Make you forget you stink, forget you're a number greater than one
As the alcohol sinks in and changes you within

I look in the mirror, and all I see is void pantograph

There is a scent to a new shirt that is welcoming
No dead skin smell to keep me pondering my demise
Like a light bulb blown the flash only lives when i close my eyes
Taunting me to move in the dark
Based on memories of what I remember the room looked like
As I frantically feel for a wall to support my absent sight

I look in the mirror, and all I see is void pantograph

A string of paper folded endlessly
The same dead shape cut once, lives on repeatedly
Shared hands that connect until nothings left
You can sever the head but the snake will slither till the bodies dead
Swimming in its own blood, till someone pulls the plug
And drains the filthy tub

I look in the mirror, and all I see is void pantograph